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The New York Edit 2024

The New York Edit 2024

We are thrilled to introduce our latest collection called the New York Edit. This collection is not just about sunglasses; it is a celebration of diversity, inclusivity, and the vibrant spirit of NYC. Our sunglasses embody the essence of the city that never sleeps, catering to the eclectic styles of its inhabitants.

What makes the New York Edit unique?

Tori Festa shot by s_ebass

The New York Edit is a carefully curated collection of 12 new pairs of glasses that are designed to capture the essence of New York City. Each pair is inspired by the city's iconic neighborhoods, landmarks, and cultural diversity. From the trendy streets of SoHo to the classic elegance of the Upper East Side, our collection offers something for everyone.

Embracing diversity and inclusivity

Jasmine Ma shot by s_ebass

At our core, we believe that fashion should be inclusive and celebrate the uniqueness of every individual. The New York Edit reflects this belief by offering a wide range of styles, shapes, and colors to suit different tastes and preferences. Whether you prefer a bold and edgy look or a more subtle and sophisticated style, you'll find the perfect pair of glasses in our collection.

Unleash your vibrant spirit

Madeleine and Diarra Fall shot by Marlon Turner 

New York City is known for its vibrant energy and lively atmosphere. Our sunglasses capture this spirit by incorporating bold colors, unique patterns, and innovative designs. When you wear a pair of glasses from the New York Edit, you'll feel empowered to express your individuality and embrace your own vibrant spirit.

Experience the city that never sleeps

Fredrique Wills shot by s_ebass 

With the New York Edit, we invite you to experience the magic of New York City wherever you are. Each pair of glasses is designed to transport you to the bustling streets, the iconic landmarks, and the diverse neighborhoods of the Big Apple. Whether you're strolling through Central Park or exploring the vibrant nightlife, our sunglasses will be your perfect companion.

So, unleash your vibrant spirit and embrace your unique style with the New York Edit. Explore the collection today and discover the perfect pair of glasses that will transport you to the city that never sleeps.


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